Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Water War Cian Cui Festival at Meranti Island

TOURS.ID -  Cian Cui Festival at Meranti Island

Water war Selatpanjang in Kepulauan Meranti already on the agenda of the annual tourist festival, not just a provincial tour "Riau Greets the World" but has been included in the agenda of the annual travel Wonderfull Indonesia which is scheduled to coincide with the Lunar New Year, which lasted for 6 days. Has been named the national tourism as one of the unique charm to attract tourists, not only local tourists who enliven festival water fight, but also to invite the attention of foreign guests such as Australia, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, China, Hong Kong and so on. The festive festival water fight is only carried out in two countries, namely in Thailand as Songkran and in Indonesia as cui cian wars (water wars) precisely in the City Selatpanjang, Meranti Islands District. 

Water fight or called by Cian cui originated from the habit of young people who preceded the war using a rifle or pistol containing plastic bullets colorful but could pose a danger to users and victims who were attacked during the celebrations for the big day religious celebration in Kepulauan Meranti , Because of the harmful effects of using plastic guns, many parents forbid their children to play equipment at the time of Eid and the Chinese New Year celebration. Finally, with the initiative of young people transition game to enliven the festive season, especially during the Chinese New Year, plastic weapons of war was replaced with water fight using a water pistol.

The grounds have been banned and the fear of being scolded by parents, finally at war with a gun pelastik was halted by itself. At the beginning of a habit that has become a tradition in the city Selatpanjang, young children still enliven the celebration of the lunar new year mainly use water spray snow. They formed a group a group that rented a tricycle like bentor (motor rickshaw) or three-wheeled vehicles emperor. Over time at the turn of the Lunar New Year festivities war snow spray attack each attack to the group that follows this festive changed using a water spray bottle because the price of snow can be said to be costly. Finally ammunition supplies water into the material for the fight against friends and everyone who enliven the Lunar New Year.

Attacking each attack using water using a water pistol, scoop, modifications to water pipes and other equipment, young children and older people who formed a group around all the roads in the city Selatpanjang using bentor and emperors, they attack each spraying water-nothing be angry when sprayed water, they vomit mutual joy with jokes and laughter. Cui cian Festival procession lasted for 6 days starting from 16.00 until 17.30 orderly and security underlined remain marked by the Transportation Department and police officers taking part to curb the course of the traffic.
